
Jailbreak tethering

If you jailbreak your iPhone and like to use it for tethering to a laptop or other computer for internet access, you may find that you will have to pay for one of two apps.

iPhoneModem is only $10, but uses proxies and is more complicated than PDAnet to set up. PDAnet was free up until version 1.33, but costs $30 if you upgrade past 1.33. Besides some minor bug fixes and a few “enhancements” I didn’t care for, I didn’t see a need for the update; however, I updated to a newer version prior to realizing it was no longer free.

Now, if like me, you would prefer to go back to version 1.33, follow the below instructions.

  1. Jailbreak your iPhone if you have not already

  2. Install MobileTerminal with Cydia

  3. Launch MobileTerminal

  4. Follow the below commands. Use ‘alpine’ as the password when prompted to login as root (unless you have changed the password, then use that).

    The following will log you in as root, change directories to root’s home, install wget, download pdanet1.33.deb, and install the deb package.

    cd /var/root/  
    apt-get install wget  
    wget http://modmyi.com/repo/2debs/pdanet1.33.deb  
    dpkg -i pdanet1.33.deb
  5. Launch PDAnet and use it for free.

Next time you launch Cydia, it will show PDAnet as a package to upgrade. As long as there are no new features in the app you are willing to pay for, do not upgrade.

Feel free to delete the deb file, or just leave it in case you need to reinstall later.

The above steps can be modified. I found this method to be easy way that allows you to do it over wifi or the cellular network. If you prefer to ssh to your iPhone, feel free to do all the steps using ssh and simply exclude steps 2 and 3.

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