

icey::phoenix linkshell

well, i am starting another blog even though this one has not gotten a lot of attention. the other blog has a focus whereas this one has not up to this point. i.c.e.d::t.r.i.p will of course still be around and updated, but i wanted to put together a site for a linkshell group for final fantasy xi.

now this linkshell has not been formed yet, and whether or not it will go on to see the light of day is yet to be seen, but i wanted to put some of my design skills (or lack thereof) to use elsewhere. if nothing else, at least it offered a little practice.

i used the basic design of this site as the basis of the icey::phoenix, with a revamped logo and banner. let me know what you think. now all i need are some members, a little more work on the site and some time to play the actual game.

< seriously  quicksilver (b. blacktree) >
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