
the beginning

this is the beginning of my blog. this entry is simply to put something up on the web as an intro. i do not have a distinct direction this site will have. that will develop over time. i will be including links to yet undeveloped areas, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. please forgive me for the current look of the site. appearances will change over the next few week and all entries for the time being will simply have updated information concerning the development of the site.

i also understand the simple look of the blog as it stands. this will change slightly, but not much. i will always maintain a simplistic look for the fact that it is more pleasing to the eye. there will be no flashy colors nor annoying animated gif’s. if you like the look as it develops, please tell me. if you do not, let me know as well. i will always take ideas into account during the building process, so please advise me with some good direction.

i do reserve the right to delete or mod any entries and comments i deem stupid and serve no purpose. this is not a place were freedom of speech will play a role. taking it back to childhood, “my site, i do as i please.” simply remember this, if your entry disappears, don’t complain, you were warned. otherwise enjoy watching the evolution of the site.

**note - this site will not look good using internet explorer. ie cannot use css properly and i am beginning to think that it will never support transparencies in png formats. for mac users get safari or any browser using the mozilla engine. for windoze users, go with a mozilla based browser.

 2nd day >
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