Dilbert’s Scott Adams commissioned a survey of over 500 economists on which Presidential candidate would be better for today’s economy. Although the results don’t really surprise me all that much, the survey and Adams’ intentions are certainly noteworthy.
Results tagged “old icedtrip net”
Scott Adams' Economist Survey
Evening News
I could not have said it better myself.
I, i, I and I, or even i and i
By way of DaringFireball (DF - Me, Myself and I):
Yahoo! Small Business Hosting
Yahoo! Small Business Hosting is a real disappointment. Maybe I should have done some more research, but I didn’t. I was looking for a host that was MovableType friendly, and when I saw that Yahoo! allowed you to enable an MT “module,” I figured I had found my hosting provider. Six Apart was even advertising Yahoo! on their site for built in MT functionality.
The part I missed…MT 3.x release. Of course I noticed this once I had already spit out $26 and did all that was required to transfer my domain over. As you can see, I am running MT 4.x now, but that was not done very easily, and the full functionality isn’t here (meaning, many of the optional items aren’t available. Primarily Image Magick).
I’ll give the 30 day guarantee a try, but it doesn’t look like I will have any better feelings about it. With Image Magick (and thus CAPTCHA), I would be happier. If I had better control of my DNS entries, I would be happier. If they didn’t try forcing their email on me, I would be happier. Lastly, if their CGI support never failed, I would be happier.
We’ll see how it goes.
Now, all I need is to get all my old posts imported into this install, but seeing how the box that has them is in another state, and no longer running, it will be awhile till I can do that.
Response: HD-DVD...final death blow
Now it is official. Of course watch for a post tomorrow when this press release is shown to be a fraud.
Response: HD-DVD...almost time
OK, I got ahead of myself. Not quite as “official” as I said yesterday, but we’re close. I should have just focused on one of my links yesterday. Gotta give it up to Ars.
Response: HD-DVD...time to give up the ghost
The death of HD-DVD has been rumored for over a month due to recent changes in studios and companies jumping from the HD-DVD camp to Bluray. With Warner Brothers’ announcement to exclusively support Bluray later this year, it was just a matter of time before the rest abandoned HD-DVD (especially Universal who switched over from Bluray to HD-DVD just a few months prior).
Shortly following Warner Brothers’ news, Best Buy announced they would push the Bluray format to their customers over the HD-DVD format; although both formats would still be sold for now. Lastly, Wal-Mart’s announcement on Friday made it apparent that HD-DVD’s demise would be official quicker than expected.
Toshiba was dealt a blow on Friday when Wal-Mart Stores Inc said it would abandon the HD DVD format, becoming the latest in a series of top retailers and movie studios to rally behind Blu-ray technology for high definition DVDs. -TOKYO (Reuters)
Already linked across the internet, it is now official. Toshiba has given up on the product and is ceasing production on future HD-DVD products.
Being an HD-DVD owner, this is somewhat sad news, but something that I have suspected for awhile. I bought my Xbox 360 add-on the day it was released. At the time, it was the only way to get HD for under $500.
Looks like it is time for the 360 addon to move aside and a purchase of a PS3 to happen as soon as the new models are released.
Response: Ultimate House Design
Anyone that knows me would agree that I have an appreciation for good house design and interior design. When everything just flows with a house and a room, it just makes living that much better.
Scott Adams outlined what he thought would be the Ultimate House on “The Dilbert Blog”. I think Scott has something here, but I would have to add some variation to it.
I love the idea of a house being centered around the kitchen. All rooms would be connected by the most used room. However, to make this work, you would need to ensure the kitchen is large enough to have “paths” around it to make it easy going from one room to another. I wouldn’t like having to dodge a kitchen island every time I wanted to go from the living area to the bathroom.
In Scott’s arrangement, I am not sure where he had planned a staircase, so I would make an entranceway that would contain the stairs. Leading to the second floor, the staircase would enter into a balcony style living space similar to the TV/reading area downstairs.
Scott’s idea for the second floor having doors in closets that lead into the laundry area is genius; however, all the closets would have to be large walk-in style closets. I would like to see enough space between the laundry room and the bedroom as I could. This would keep the laundry machines’ noise from pouring over into the bedrooms. I would also make a bathroom with a linen closet that has access to the laundry room.
I am not, however; too sure about Scott’s last statement:
The laundry room would be totally tricked out with a flat panel screen, surround sound, folding tables, and an ironing board. Doing laundry will seem like a fun escape.
I love the idea, and although I could go on and on about what I would like to add to make it “my” ultimate house, I must refrain.
Site: New Design
Nothing like a good redesign to a website that hasn’t been touched since November of 2007. Oh well, I like it and that is all that matters.
Meaningless Voting
I couldn’t have said it better myself. Now, when people ask me why I don’t vote, I will have to send them this article. It’s as if my own thoughts created it (of course, I have a few other reasons to add to it, but at least it is an excellent start).
Originally found as a link on one of my favorite blogs, The Dilbert Blog. http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/thedilbertblog/2007/11/find-the-patter.html
Buffalo Theory
I just ran across this once again and felt like posting it. Cheers is one of those shows that I didn’t appreciate growing up. I simply didn’t get the adult humor in it, but now I watch it anytime I come across a rerun.
This is a quote from the show where Cliff explains the “Buffalo Theory” to Norm. Has got to be one of the funniest moments in my opinion.
Well, you see, Norm, it’s like this. A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo. And when the herd is hunted, it’s the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.
And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers.
Leopard's BSOD
This didn’t take long to be posted. I noticed this immediately with my Samba shares after my install of 10.5. Thought it was genius!
John Gruber said it well.
Funniest joke in Leopard.
It's merely a flesh wound
Biker fails to notice missing leg | The Daily Telegraph
Maybe it is just me, but some news out there…well, I just don’t get. The above article is about a Japanese man who was riding a motorcycle, wasn’t able to negotiate a curve in the road, smashed into a central barrier, and severed his leg.
A severed limb from a bike accident is one thing. I can see this happening, but what I don’t understand is how this man didn’t realize that he was now missing a part of his body. He admitted to feeling extreme pain from the impact, but didn’t realize something was serious until the next junction 2 kilometers from where the accident occurred. Even more disturbing is that one of his friends witnessed him hitting the barrier, and it was he that stopped to pick up the leg.
Once you think about it, it becomes humorous. Imagine the people on the freeway. You see a man on a bike ride by you with a bloody missing leg, but he is just cruising along as if nothing is out of the norm. Now imagine a minute later, you see another man riding by on another bike holding a bloody leg in his hands.
What was this 54 year old man on that allowed him not to realize his leg had just been brutally ripped off?
More FSJ
Daring Fireball: Fake Steve, Unmasked
This is Gruber’s take on the whole FSJ news.
I agree with this:
Wishing the balloon had never popped is one thing. Trying to unpop it is another.
but I disagree with this:
Knowing who the author is doesn’t spoil Fake Steve any more than knowing which cast member is playing the president on Saturday Night Live. It’s the performance that counts, not the secret.
Knowing who the author is certainly does spoil the fun. Whereas in the SNL example, you know from the start that the president performance is really Dana Carvey in makeup, you don’t know who is behind the words with FSJ. To me, one of the appeals was not knowing who this really is in addition to the “performance”. Now when I read it, I will be picturing Daniel Lyons, and now that Forbes is taking over sponsorship of the blog, it will become somewhat commercialized (well, as commercialized as a satirical blog can be).
Before, we knew it was fake, but it was fake without a face/name.
I think I would have enjoyed the news of the unveiling of FSJ a little better had it been some 16 year old kid in his/her parents basement. Although it is neat to see a senior editor of Forbes do this “on the side”, the kid in the basement would have allowed it to be less of a big deal to the point it could have been downplayed.
Brad Stone ruins it
Well, one of the fun moments within my morning ritual of RSS feeds has been ruined. Anyone that is remotely an Apple fan has probably heard about Fake Steve Jobs. FSJ’s blog has been a spot to go and read the insight of the CEO of Apple on tech news, new products, mockery’s, and the like (fake or course, but with plenty of entertaining qualities).
Well, Brad Stone of the New York Times has taken it upon himself to search out the true identity of FSJ and reveal it to all. Now it doesn’t really seem to bother the real blogger as he was about to oust himself in a book scheduled to be released in October, and as he said: “I’m stunned that it’s taken this long,†said Mr. Lyons, 46, when a reporter interrupted his vacation in Maine on Sunday to ask him about Fake Steve. “I have not been that good at keeping it a secret. I’ve been sort of waiting for this call for months.â€
Now this would have been all and good had Mr. Lyons been the one to “come out,” as it were, but to be searched for by the NYT so that they may benefit from it makes me mad. Yes, plenty of others have tried to find out the true identity of FSJ, but it was amusing watching them guess and be wrong.
Now, Mr Lyons plans on still continuing, but I am not sure if I will read. It was the bit of mystery that made reading the blog fun. Although the entries will probably be just as entertaining, the fact that I now have a picture of a face in my head will keep me from being able to enjoy it the way I use to.
Oh well, all good things come to an end (remember Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc?).
It was one Mr. Daniel Lyons, a senior editor at Forbes.
See below for articles related to this story. Damn, I am so busted, yo ‘Fake Steve’ Blogger Comes Clean Fake Steve Jobs unmasked
rain, hot, no pics
OK, so there were no pics over the weekend of the current rides, but with good reason. I had everything planned to be washed on Saturday and even headed to the store to pick up some cleaning supplies when it started to rain. Well, no point in washing at that point.
Then Sunday rolled around and I had planned on the same, but wow, it was way too hot. With the humidity from the prior day and a mid to high 90 temp, there was no way I was going to put myself out in that.
So, maybe later this week, I will do a washing.
iPhone Replacements - New SIM tool
I know, I know. I am on a role today. Not a single post in almost 3 months, and voila, I have 3 posts in under 2 hours. I do feel quite accomplished and feel that I have been more productive on this site than the whole of my work day. Moving on…
Gotta love Apple. I have loved my iPhone since the day I got it when it was released. Waiting in line with all the other geeks was actually a lot of fun. Well, I have not had a single issue with my iPhone that has required the help of Apple, but check out the post below. I think Apple sometimes thinks of everything.
It’s officially no longer just for paper!
Paperclip: Designed by Apple in California
Those Halcyon Days
Playing around while I am bored to tears here at work, I realized that the method I have gone with to eliminate comment spam has worked. Looking closer I see that I use the word “Halcyon” as the word to type in order to post a comment.
I did this as the post I had written when I decided to be active against comment spam revolved around my taste in music and the Orbital song “Halcyon + On + On.” Well, I decided to explain what the word Halcyon means.
Taken from Wikipedia, in the section entitled “Halcyon”. Halcyon is a term that originates from the Greek myth of Alcyone. It is used most often to mean golden or marked by peace and prosperity. For example, “a golden era” or “those halcyon days”.
Just thought I would share.
How vast is this internet? I mean those that can remember, think back just ten years ago. Things have progressed so much since that time. The whole Web 2.0 concept is definitely a needed idea. The net today is a completely different beast than it was 5-10 years back.
Needless to say, due to this internet thingy people keep talking about, I have managed to come across some long lost friends by way of sites like facebook and mysuc….myspace (I’ll get it right someday).
I recently came across a long time friend of mine that I lost communication with about 7 years ago (I think) on the better of the 2 sites, and have since been keeping up with his blog. To say that he writes in his a bit more than I do in mine would be an understatement, so here is my entry after 2.5 months of nothing.
Well, I have found that this friend of mine is really heavy into auto cross which is beyond sweet, especially since I used to own a WRX that would’ve rocked an auto cross track. Of course, it has since been sold due to cost, insurance, no money to put into it, no time to “enjoy” it the proper way (of course there was the midnight madness at the drag strip one night…..oh the memories). Well, the ole Rex is now absorbing the fine rays of Hawaii, so it at least has a better home and was able to escape the south. One day, one day….
Well, the trade off was an ‘85 Mercedes 500SL (European model) and a ‘97 Yamaha RoyalStar. I love them both, so regrets of selling the Rex are typically minimum. Anyway, as I told my friend, over the weekend I will take some pics of my current rides and post them up. Of course, this means tomorrow will be spent washing the two. They need it anyway.
the Good, the Bad, and the Gopher?
goodbadugly.png With all the technology in this world that can read our thoughts even before we have them, I am still baffled with some items that a computer will spit out. You would think that with all the abilities we have built into computers that the image to the left wouldn’t happen. Of all the technology built around searching and compiling items specifically for you, this one took me by surprise.
Look at the image carefully and see if you notice it.
Finished looking? Have you figured it out?
So, Netflix has recommended a movie to me based on a selection of movies that I have rated. To date, I have rated 1150 movies, and Netflix has 1115 recommendations for me. This is to say that they have a pretty decent sampling to recommend from. Now, I do believe that they have made a very nice recommendation as I have never seen “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” and would love to see it, but look at why it was recommended.
First one is because of “Unforgiven.” OK, I can see this. Both are Clint Eastwood movies and both are westerns. I loved “Unforgiven” and this would be a solid reason to recommend this movie to me.
Second one is because of how I rated “Apocalypse Now.” OK, sure, I can somewhat follow this. Both are probably very story driven, serious movies with a good bit of action and a few twists. No problem. A slight stretch, but I’ll buy it.
Lastly, we have a movie that just follows no reasoning that I can think of, “Caddyshack”! Now, both movies may share an actor/actress, I don’t know, but even if they do, how can “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” get a recommendation because I found “Caddyshack” to be one of the funniest classics of all time? Completely different genre, completely different time setting, completely different everything. Of course, since I have not seen this movie, maybe there are comedic elements that I may be missing, but something tells me this is not the case.
It would have made sense for them to include my ratings on many other movies as their reasoning, such as “Tombstone”, “Young Guns”, “American Outlaws,” “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” “Open Range,” and even “Brokeback Mountain,” but “Caddyshack”?
So, for all of you out there, if you liked “Caddyshack”, don’t hesitate, go pick up “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” tonight!